
Posts Tagged ‘ODYHI’

Oh Darling Yeh Hai India!

Posted by virtuallyreel on August 29, 2009

Oh Darling Yeh Hai India1It is such an underrated gem of a movie. People regard this film as a failure of Ketan Mehta for not achieving the desired result. On the surface, yeah, it looks like a failure. After all the viewer gets the feeling of there is nothing serious going in the film. However, even on superficial viewing, Shah Rukh Khan ensures that even though the audience bad mouth the film like anything, they still watch until the last second of the movie. He puts in a tremendous amount of effort for this role. The film can be enjoyed at many levels. You can watch it as a “so bad its good film”, or as a fan of SRK; unfortunately that is what most did.  However, if you take the film very seriously and understand it, you will be rewarded.

This film is by no means spoon fed to the audience. The brain has to be engaged to appreciate the fact that what seems to be a senseless film is very very complicated within. Ketan Mehta sets this film in one night, there are multiple stories that get interconnected to make one hell of a film. A don, his son, a struggling actor, a prostitute, the President, and many more random elements, all meeting up in a strange kind of coincidence to generate the story.

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